Friday, November 18, 2011

Unblushing Promises

I've been having more bad dreams than usual lately. Last night I had one that woke me up early, tense and short of breath. I've lived a whole day since then, so all I can really remember was that in the dream I was completely alone in a gloomy house, and when I flipped lights on, they were dim and eerie and would never get any brighter. Then at some point in the dream, I realized I was cut off from everyone else in the world, like a ghost, and they didn't even know I existed. And I was doomed to live that way.

That was frightening.

But you know what's wonderful? No sooner did I wake up and get a grip of where I was, and I felt the Father's presence. I was able to smile and worship for a bit and laugh with joy at the fact that I am never alone.

And I just sat in awe for a bit of how much I am really promised.

My life will only get better because I have an eternal one to look forward to. One without bad dreams, without body aches, without shortness of breath. With not even one tear. With no pain or suffering, because these things will have passed away.

WOW...forever? Really? FOREVER? And all we have to do to get that is to run the (if we're "lucky") 100-year race with Jesus that we've been assigned on earth? All we have to do is have one grand adventure of a life, one spent on things of eternal significance? And we get to be one with Jesus, and we get to rest in the Spirit, even here? What an incredible deal!

That I know for sure, without a doubt, that I do not have to fear eternal darkness. That even now, as soon as I call on my Savior, darkness runs away as fast as it can. I know, when I have dreams like that, that they are only dreams that will never become reality. I know that fear, evil, and sin have no power over me. And I know this without a doubt. There are no "maybe if I'm good enough"s or "maybe my next life will be better" or "maybe if I frantically try to do good every moment of everyday, it will outweigh the bad I have done." Father has thrown away the scales! The hands that some say hold judgment scales are actually empty, palms open, ready and longing to welcome His sons and daughters into His kingdom. There are no judgment scales for those who know Him; there is only a mercy seat, with the One who sits on it beckoning, "Anyone who is thirsty, come!"

Confidence in salvation. I am ashamed at how little I rejoice in this. I don't have those dark moments in a corner of my room in which I wonder if I'm really redeemed, if I'm really in the Bride, if I will really be presented white as snow, spotless and sparkling. I don't have those lingering doubts, those little fears...and it has nothing to do with how great I am. I don't even have those fears when I mess up royally. And it's not because I don't recognize the gravity of my sin, it's because His promises are true. He doesn't promise anything on which He does not deliver. Since the rainbow has been in the sky, He has never again flooded the entire earth. He made both Israel and Ishmael into great nations. He sent the promised Savior into the world, that the people in darkness may see a great light. Therefore, I know that if He has promised I will live with Him forever, I have a glorious chamber which He is preparing for me.

"All glorious is the princess within her chamber...In embroidered garments she is led to the King..." Psalm 45
"I go to prepare a place for you." John 14:2

That He has a perfect, unshakable plan for my life. He doesn't have to care about these <100 measly years on this earth, but He cares about even those. He sees every long red wavy hair that gets lost in my hairbrush or that falls to the ground. And some years from now, He will number my white hairs with just as much love and care. So every trial, every victory, every moment of tears, every moment of laughter, is perfect if only because it is orchestrated by my perfect King who will welcome me after all the trials are over with. Who will look at me as a groom looks at his bride. "Well done, my good and faithful servant." "Come...take the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world."

What are the "pleasures" of this earth compared with the promises of my Lord? What does this world have to offer?

"If we consider the unblushing promises of reward promised in the Gospels, it would seem that Our Lord finds our desire not too strong, but too weak." C.S. Lewis

May we have a passion and desire for Him that is worthy of the unblushing promises He has given us.


  1. such a lovely post! your confidence and joy- that overcomes fear- is contagious!

  2. Becks this is truly an amazingly encouraging post. I have been very convicted lately of living in the gospel instead of living in religion. This post speaks so much to that. Thank you for boldly sharing what our Father has put on your heart!
