Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hold on to your heart

Hold on to your heart
though others may say
a big heart
will just bring pain one day

Hold on to it
though so many believe
it's better to rip it out
while you grieve

The Maker rejoices
when searching he sees
One heart that still
refuses to freeze

One heart unashamed
to know others' pain
That for so many, so often,
dying is gain

One heart that can still
rejoice in a small
victory that to others
may not matter at all

One heart that can still
with warmth wrap its arm
around another
who can return nothing but harm

One heart that is steady
assured, brave, and strong
to stay and fight
when leaving wouldn't be wrong

Don't listen to those
who would have you hide
who are made uncomfortable
by your lack of pride

Don't listen to those
who think it is strange
that you leave such power
in such close range

When a heart is on fire
it can raise dry bones
bring life from death
warm flesh from stones

Some think it a danger
inconvenient to care
But their cold hearts are now
even now in death's snare

The heart is a weakness
or so it's perceived
but only by the heart
has one ever believed

And only by love
can we overcome hate
can we overcome death
and re-learn to create

So hold on to your heart
though the whole world may mock
though your cross may become
a laughingstock

Your heart is a treasure
a wellspring to guard
to cultivate and nurture -

Don't let it grow hard.

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