Thursday, October 6, 2011

up, up, and away.

Hey everyone. So that Asia place I said I would be heading to? That time is finally here. I even have an early Chinese birthday cake to prove it (my real birthday is October 21st). My first plane leaves in about 5 hours. From there it's a 25-hour adventure through 4 total airports, on 3 total planes. By myself. Woohoo!

But you know, as I remain wide awake when I should be asleep (well, on American time at's just after lunchtime where I'm headed!), even in the middle of the excitement I feel a total peace and calm. It's not because I'm a superhuman, and it's not because I'm sure everything will work out just fine when I'm traveling tomorrow or when I'm actually over there. I might arrive before my luggage, I might miss a plane, I might be practically violated when they're searching me at customs. And I might experience some intense culture shock. But I know Who I'm following. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Wherever I am, He is my home, and I take all my peace and comfort from that.

It's not that this transition doesn't feel a little weird, it's not that it isn't super hard to leave family and friends, it's not that I don't have questions about how my life will look or how I will change the next couple of years, and it's not that I don't have questions about what on EARTH to do when these two years are over. But none of that really matters. Many of us say we believe God has a plan for us, but I'm determined to not just say it but actually believe it. As I spend time in sweet, sweet prayer with Him, I'm just reassured all the time that my gentle, loving Heavenly Father has planned my steps, and He walks before me and behind me. What do I have to fear?

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

He's not up in the air, directing me to turn this way and then that. He's down here in the dirt, working beside me, behind me, and before me in the trenches, fashioning the paths himself...and all his handiwork is marvelous. That my soul knows well.

So, Blogger is having some issues right now and apparently some people aren't able to comment on my posts. I'm tempted to go ahead and migrate to WordPress, but I'll hang around for a bit and see if they get it fixed first. If you would like to contact me, please email me at I would love to hear from you.

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