From Jackie Kendall's Blog/Newsletter (so I did not write this but have definitely had moments like hers of complete revelation and intimacy with Jesus!):
Have you ever been on a date with Jesus? Several years ago, I realized that I had a totally free Friday night (all my family was out of town). I asked myself, "What are you going to do with your free Friday night?" And as soon as I asked myself that question, my heart's reply was, "I can go on a date with Jesus!" So I went to Singer Island and spend the evening sitting on a balcony (8 floors up); waiting for the full moon to rise and enjoying a date with Jesus.
I brought along my Bible and journal and my prayer roll-a-deck. Just as I began to pray through some of the many prayer requests, I paused to look at the ocean and suddenly I see a RAINBOW. Now a rainbow is not unique when it has rained but it hadn't rained. As I was looking at the Rainbow, I started to cry because I had just begun my date with Jesus and He blessed me with a rainbow before the Full Moon had come up! I started to think about what a rainbow represents and I just cried thinking of the many promises that God has made and KEPT. I decided to look up all the references in the Bible in relation to the rainbow and I discovered three men (Noah, Ezekiel and John) who saw three different rainbows but they were all faced something in common-hard circumstances.
As I thought about the rainbows that Ezekiel and John saw, I realized that their view was of heavenly status. The rainbow that we can so casually look at is a reflection of a heavenly proto-type not just a scientific wonder! I will never see a rainbow again without considering "heaven's rainbow of glory about the Holy One."
I began to think about experiencing the beauty of a rainbow without having to go through a storm. Then I realized that we can be rainbows of hope in people's lives even when they aren't facing a storm. Then when their storm arrives; they will start looking for the rainbow of promise for their heart.
As I raised my hands to just praise the Lord for the rainbow insight, suddenly I spotted the full moon. As I was staring at the full moon, I thought about how far men went to visit the moon and to place an American Flag on it. As I pondered the effort, focus, commitment, passion, finances, and sacrifices to land on the moon, my heart began to grieve that men could pay such a HUGE PRICE TO TOUCH THE MOON but they are rarely willing to expend such passion to touch the Heart of the ONE WHO MADE THE MOON.
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the Moon and the stars which you have set in place, WHAT IS MAN THAT YOU ARE MINDFUL OF HIM" (Ps. 8:3)
As I drove back home from my date with Jesus, I opened my "full moon" roof (sun roof) and was worshipping full throttle! When I raised my right hand through the roof in praise, I started to grin thinking that at that moment "my raised hand touched the heart of the One Who gave me a rainbow while I was waiting for a full moon."
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